Get the lastest version of KADOSÂ on Sourceforge .
The zip file contains 3 folders :
/licence provide the licence informations
/sql provide the SQL scripts for creating database
/kados contains the php scripts of the application itself
1/ Deploy the /kados folder content on your web server
2/ With your favorite browser, go to your Kados instance
3/ Follow the automatic upgrade step
4/ Connect with the admin account : admin/admin (login/pass)
1/ Deploy the /kados folder content on your web server
2/ Execute the SQL script create_database-R9.sql on the MySQL database (through a MySQL client or PHPmyAdmin)
3/ Go to folder /updates/R9-RedTiger/install, copy file connect_r9.conf to your folder conf/. Open it and replace values PARAM_host,PARAM_db,PARAM_user,PARAM_password,PARAM_charset by values from ypur BD connection. Then rename connect_r9.conf into connect.conf
4/ Connect with the admin account : admin/admin (login/pass)
If you want to use the “User Activation by email” feature, you must :
– have a valid smtp server active on your server (it is included in most web hosting)
– set parameter “Path for application” in Admin => Settings with the path to app from your domain name.
=> It must be at least / if kados is at your server root, but it may be /kados/ if kados is under a kados folder under your domain (e.g. if you acccess Kados with that URL )
– set parameter “Email adress FROM for managing user validation” with a valid email
– set parameter “Name FROM for managing user validation” with a name
If you need help, go to to view documentation or for any support request
And that’s all (folks)
Have a lot of fun !
Remember that Kados is supplied under a dual licence GPL and MIT by a totally benevolent team
Remarks, bugs and new features are welcome if you have any (go to the forum)
Marmotte Technologies is ready to help you install Kados, within the limits of its small hands.